Edoardo Bellotti, organ and harpsichord [SOLD OUT]

By Italian Baroque Organ Festival (other events)

Friday, October 23 2015 7:30 PM 8:45 PM EST

'From Madrigal to Toccata: Girolamo Frescobaldi' - Edoardo Bellotti (Eastman School of Music) performs repertoire from Frescobaldi's Il Primo Libro di Toccate (1615, 1637) and Toccate, Libro Secondo (1627), with vocal madrigals by Arcadelt and Marenzio. This concert is part of the festival Performing History with Eastman's Italian Baroque Organ: A Tenth Anniversary Celebration. Presented in association with the Eastman School of Music; the School of Arts and Sciences, University of Rochester; and the Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, NY. Sponsored by the Humanities Project, a program of the University of Rochester Humanities Center.


Tickets will be available for collection at the door one hour before the performance. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the performance to claim your ticket. Any unclaimed tickets will be given to standby attendees after that time.

Italian Baroque Organ Festival